Perfect matching index of cubic graphs of defect 3 Roman Nedela Abstract The colouring defect of a bridgeless cubic graph G is the minimum number of edges left uncovered by a multiset of three perfect matchings of $G$. By the Petersen theorem the defect is well-defined for bridgeless cubic graphs. Clearly, G is 3-edge-colourable if and only if the defect of G is zero. Since in a snark any two perfect matchings have a non-empty intersection, the least possible non-zero defect is 3. The colouring defect was introduced and investigated in a serie of papers by Steffen 2015 and Jin and Steffen 2017. Among others they proved that the defect is at least g(G)/2, where g(G) denotes the girth. Since Kochol constructed snarks of arbitrarily large girth, the defect is unbounded. Motivated by the Berge-Fulkerson conjecture we investigate the perfect matching index of bridgeless cubic graphs of defect 3. Steffen in 2015 proved that the perfect matching index of cyclically 4-connected cubic graphs of defect 3 is at most 5. We have extended his result in two ways by proving Theorem A: The perfect matching index of a cyclically 4-connected cubic graph G of defect 3 is four unless G is the Petersen graph. Theorem B: Every bridgeless cubic graph of defect 3 has a Berge cover. Recall that the Berge cover of G is a system od at most five perfect matchings covering all edges of G and the perfect matching index is the minimum number of perfect matchings covering all edges. This a joint work with J. Karabas, E. Macajova and M. Skoviera.